DX Physio

Work injuries & CTP

Have you experienced an accident at work and are now considering starting physiotherapy treatment?

Once you obtain your claim number and a referral from your GP, DX PHYSIO will coordinate with all healthcare providers and third-party insurers during your rehabilitation process.

Nothing Out Of Pocket With Approved Work Cover & CTP Claims

Thorough Assessment
Pain Management
Exercise prescription
Electrical stimulation
Shockwave Therapy
Dry Needling

We Are SIRA Registered Physio

SIRA is responsible for regulating workers compensation insurance, motor accidents compulsory third party (CTP) insurance and home building compensation insurance, in NSW. They focus on service delivery to injured people, affordability, and the effective management and sustainability of these insurance schemes. SIRA’s main objectives are:

  • To assist in securing the health, safety and welfare of workers and, in particular, preventing work-related injury,
  • To provide:
    • prompt treatment of injuries, and
    • effective and proactive management of injuries, and
    • necessary medical and vocational rehabilitation following injuries,
  • To assist injured workers and to promote their return to work as soon as possible.
Don’t Let Your Pain Hold You Back Any Longer
Contact Us Today To Schedule Your Initial Assessment
Together, We Will Work Towards Improving Your Quality Of Life And
Getting You Back To Doing What You Love.