DX Physio

Home Visit & NDIS

If you can’t make it to our clinic, we’ll come to you. We offer the same excellent physiotherapy services at your home or workplace. Our team is skilled in conducting home visits and comes equipped with everything necessary for a comprehensive assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation—just as if you were in our clinic. Whether it’s NDIS (plan and self-managed), Aged Care, post-operative rehabilitation, or just general aches and pains, we are here to support you.

Treatment Methods

Manual therapy
Fall Prevention
Exercise prescription
Pain Management
Home Modification
Chronic Disease Management

Common conditions for home visits:

  • Elderly patients that are unable to drive 
  • Disabilities
  • Low back pain and Sciatica 
  • Neck pain and headaches 
  • Mobility, balance and falls prevention assessments and strength programs 
  • Arthritis 
  • Strength and exercise programs 
  • Pre and Post Surgical Rehabilitation 

What to Expect

During your session, the physiotherapist will provide all necessary equipment and materials. The process begins with a detailed history of your current and past injuries, followed by a physical examination to diagnose the issue. Your physio will then focus on treating the problem area to alleviate pain and aid your recovery. Treatment may involve hands-on methods such as manual therapy and massage, or a tailored exercise program designed to meet your specific needs.

We are committed to offering personalized care, recognizing that each patient and every injury is unique

Don’t Let Your Pain Hold You Back Any Longer
Contact Us Today To Schedule Your Initial Assessment
Together, We Will Work Towards Improving Your Quality Of Life And
Getting You Back To Doing What You Love.